Most of the colleges
located in the upper region are associated with writing very good
essay samples. For the last ten years, a lot of research has been
undertaken to find out why there is lot of differences between the
performances of colleges in the upper region compared to the
performance of the colleges located in the lower region.
Traditionally, it is believed that, the students who come from the
upper region are naturally born with the desire to learn more.
therefore makes them to be very keen on every detail they see and
learn when they are still very young. Once these children are taken
to school, they embark on serious concentration and will always be
ready to ask questions wherever a given concept is not properly
understood. This behavior continues until the children reach the
level of joining colleges. This performance is again reflected on the
college admission essay examples
written by the students before joining the colleges.
On the other
side, students from the lower region, are usually very ignorance when
they are still young. An elaborate reason as not been given to prove
this, but the people generally believe that the wealth and richness
found within people living in these regions is a major factor that
contributes to the differences. Even small children are very
reluctant to joining school because they think that the wealth owned
by their parents will one day to become theirs. According to them,
there is no point of going to school because they are able to avoid
anything that they want regardless of whether the item is cheap or